Today there was a mystery package on my front doorstep when Leo and I got home from running some errands. It had a very industrious wrap job- a dirt devil dust buster box wrapped in duct tape. These days every package that arrives is for the baby so I just assumed it was for him but to my surprise it was addressed to me. It came from my brother-in-law, Jeff, in Atlanta. Attached was a shockingly sweet card that read, "Happy Mother's Day Summer! Can't wait to see the family in Wisconsin. Leo Couldn't be luckier (nor could Jon). -Jeff". I immediately welled up with tears. Inside the box was this beautiful ceramic bird which instantly became a prized decoration on my dining room table. Jeff couldn't have known how significant this would be on my first Mother's Day because I sometimes call Leo "my little bird." It is so special because it was totally unexpected (if you knew my brother-in-law you would better understand). I love being delightfully surprised by people.
Jeff, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was so meaningful and so touching. You're my favorite brother-in-law.